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Women’s Fiction Defined: My Recent Podcast Appearances

Do you know what it means to be a women’s fiction author? You’ll find these answers and more at Alida Winternheimer’s Story Works Round Table podcast. Alida is a member of my Indie Author Group so I joined her and three other members for a deep dive. We had a blast and learned a lot. Here’s the link to listen or view it on video. You can also find it on Apple.

I also enjoyed talking with Maggie Smith who hosts the Here Us Roar podcast, which features debut Women’s Fiction authors. We talked about Sea Magic, my author career and how I assist other authors as a Book Marketing Coach. You can check this out on Maggie’s website, and it’s also available on Apple and Spotify.


Heidi McIntyre

I’ve always been a dreamer, and I write to share my dreams

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