Available on Amazon

“A tale of magic, self-acceptance, and love that will leave you spellbound.” — Bailey Cavender, Reedsy Discovery
There is a place on the coast of New England where a salty sailor gives sage advice, and a legendary mermaid appears at least once a century. Madeline owns an antique store in this charming town and knows everyone by name. But she keeps a secret buried deep inside–her ability to touch an object and feel the essence of the previous owner.

Subscribe to my newsletter and you’ll receive this free short story. It documents the history of the elusive Penbrook Mermaid who appears several times in my novel.
On Writing & Other Random Thoughts
I’ve always been a late bloomer. I got married when I was forty-four and didn’t start to write creatively until I turned forty-eight years old.
In college, I was inspired by my professor who convinced me to switch majors to English. From that point on, I had a dream of writing a novel one day, which was like a seed planted deep inside. And for this late bloomer, it took a long time to sprout!