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My New Year’s Resolution in One Word

January 12, 2024

Making a list for my new year’s resolution has never worked for me. Inevitably, the list would end up getting shuffled to the bottom of the drawer. About fifteen years ago, I tried something new: Create a single word or phrase as my theme for the year. This represents something that’s important for me to either accomplish, or just simply focus on, that’s beyond my typical business goals.

Back in 2019, my theme for the year was “health and wellness.” I needed to lose weight, was prediabetic and had some health problems. Therefore, I focused on nutrition, fitness and alternative medicine, with acupuncture and kinesiology. I changed my diet and increased fruits, vegetables while limiting sugar and carbs. By the end of that year, I’d lost weight, gained more energy, and my diet has become my new normal to this day.

This year, my word is friendship. I want to spend more time with my friends in 2024 and hopefully create new ones. I changed careers two years ago, to escape my workaholic tendencies and live a more balanced life, which includes spending more time with the people I care about.

It takes time and dedication to build and maintain friendships that last a lifetime. I prefer having a small circle of really close friends rather than lots of acquaintances, so it’s important for me not to take my friends for granted.

When I was writing Sea Magic, several of my friends patiently read my drafts and gave me feedback. When I launched my debut novel last year, my friends were my biggest cheerleaders. One bought several copies of my print book and handed them out to her friends and family members.

I have other goals this year with plans to publish the second book in my series and establish myself as a book marketing coach. But friendship is a key priority for me because it’s a blessing to have friends who are like sisters. Loyal friends support each other through the good, the bad and the ugly, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’d love to hear what word or phrase you’d like to focus on in 2024?








Heidi McIntyre

I’ve always been a dreamer, and I write to share my dreams

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